Strategic communication

Communication: a management matter 

Strategic communications consulting is a professional service that helps organizations and individuals to devise, develop and implement effective and target-oriented communication strategies. Such consultancy can cover a wide range of services. But they are all geared to the same overall objective: identifying the communication goals, formulating clear messages to achieve them and delivering these impactfully to the relevant target groups.

We at b-public are a strategy-orientated communications consultancy. And we’re convinced that communication is a management matter: it’s the company’s top management who must set the strategic communications parameters. To help them do so, we offer a full range of communications support services – analyses, consulting, conceptualization and project management – all from a single convenient source.

Start with thorough analysis

Our consulting process begins with a thorough analysis of our client organization’s present communications situation. We’ll then use this analysis to identify possible weaknesses and potential for improvement. And we’ll work with the client to jointly develop a customized communications strategy. This will entail a range of further actions, such as defining target groups, formulating the right messages and selecting the best communications channels.

Implementation of communications strategy

In the next step, our consultants will help our client company to implement their new communications strategy. This may include creating PR material, organizing events or conducting media campaigns. Throughout it all we’ll provide our professional support and expertise to ensure that the communications performed are as effective as possible and achieve the desired results.

We’ll also continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the communications measures taken, and will adjust and modify these as and where required. This enables our client organization to respond as flexibly as possible to any changes or developments in the communications landscape, and ensure that its strategic objectives are met.

What we do for you:

  • management consulting
  • Business development support
  • external surveys
  • core messages and ambassadors
  • networking
  • personality PR
  • project initialisation
  • setting up strategic alliances

Dynamic and professional partner 

Pascal Walther, CEO & Inhaber Neutrass AG

"We have been working with b-public for over ten years now and have found them to be a reliable, dynamic and professional partner. The specialized expertise in the areas of insurance and finance that b-public can offer is extremely valuable to us. We can give b-public top marks for our experience and look forward to continuing our collaboration."